From the Past to the Future

I tend to compare the life to the road trip.

On both we encounter a number of intersections. Then, on each of them we (or our brain) take into the account the Past and we (or our brain) make our decisions for the Future accordingly to our up to date experiences, whether conscious or unconscious, stored in our “data-bank” in the brain.

And now it becomes interesting.

According to Vera.F.Birkenbihl, our conscious experiences on a line would make 15 mm, compared to 11 km unconscious. As we’ve been born to different parents in different countries, where we’ve been attending different schools, learned some stuff, but also wasted a lot of our potential through the process called “education”, lived through different epochs, we have various experiences. Even two people being on the same event may have different memories, depending on the age, past experiences, living conditions … etc.

There is a lot of Vera F.Birkenbihl’s lectures on youtube which I sincerely recommend. For example “Gedächtnisprobleme im Alltag sind lösbar”.

I like the way she explains, that “misplacing” (keys, phone, glasses … whatever is important to us) has nothing to do with “forgetfulness”. We just need to pay more attention to what we are doing, slow down, be conscious or “present in the moment” when placing the keys, phone, glasses … or taking care of our priorities. Thus – imho – we can be better off than living on “autopilot”.


Learning – especially if we want to learn 😉 – is enriching. Also one of the ways to prevent or at least postpone Alzheimer or other age related illnesses.