A promis

Today is the day after this year’s Earth Day.

Wow, I just learned on the Wikipedia, that the first one was held in 1970. Long time before the fall of the Iron curtain, even my kids haven’t been born and the world knew – at least some scientists knew – that the Earth is warming up. 53 (in words fifty-three) years after we still don’t take it seriously and the “kids” from Fridays For Future need to remind us, that we should think about the future. Their future. Born in 1955 I may not live in 2035/2050 or whichever year is considered to be limiting at present. Though I have kids and grand-kids young enough to be able to experience those years.

To them I promised I won’t fill their mailboxes with my “motherly advice” and promises should be kept.

Moreover I know nothing they wouldn’t be able to read – in Czech, German, English or Norwegian. We took them out of Czech republic as under 10 years old and we didn’t returned after planned one and half year. I’m glad I can learn from my kids and grand-kids, not only languages.

I think we should support kids in finding their way in life. The world is a completely different place than it was when I was a kid. Of course, not everything went as we expected and/or planned, that’s called the life.

More than 30 years after the Iron wall fell opening the opportunity for democracy for “us from the East” there is a war reminding “us Czechs” about the WWII. The reasoning was similar, at the beginning someone wanted to protect someone else, then a lot of people were killed, a lot of “rubbish” was left in the nature. You can learn about some of this “rubbish” in documentaries Abandoned Engineering.