Experiment Fail Learn Repeat

The post’s title sounds scientifically, but I think we all do it. We experiment, fail, learn and repeat the whole life. Since our birth. And it is the right thing to do. The world is not steady and our knowledge is limited. Even the AI (artificial intelligence) needs to learn new contexts.

One of greatest Czechs Jan Werich said: “Já sám sobě připadám, že je mně stodvacetdevět let. Podle toho, co jsem zažil, anebo podle toho, co jsem nezažil. A někdy si zase něco přečtu a připadá mi, že je mi vosum.”

Translated at translate.google.com I get : “I seem to myself to be one hundred and twenty-nine years old. From what I’ve experienced, or from what I’ve never experienced. And sometimes I read something again and I feel like I’m a weasel.”, but even if “zase” means “again”, this sentence expresses a wonder, that reading something I can feel like eight years old. In non-literary Czech “vosum” is “osm”, which means eight.

Same Jan Werich together with Jiří Voskovec wrote in a play Balada z hadrů (Ballad of rags): “Tenkrát když král poslal druhýmu králi posla, aby mu vyřídil, že je vůl, no to trvalo. Dneska to máte e, e, eee, e, eee. To ví dřív, než to řeknou.”

Translated at translate.google.com I get : “When the king sent a messenger to the other king to tell him that he was an ox, it lasted. Today you have e, e, eee, e, eee. He knows that before they say it. “

I’d just like to point out, that “today” in the excerpt was in the year 1935, when the play was premiered in V+W’s Liberated Theatre, actually The Tied Theatre in that year. Just imagine, how quickly the whole world knows, that someone is an ox today, in January 2021, with the internet and social networks.

The excerpt was followed by “But the truth is that they are not so touchy today.”, which is more true today, then it was in 1935.

So let’s experiment, fail, learn and repeat. We all need to learn new things, whatever age we are. We can’t completely rely on the robots and we can’t behave like robots. Every human being has got a brain, so let’s use them.

PS: you may not know, that “an ox” is a Czech swear word, not too bad, similar to “a cow” or “a pig”.

Vánoční zamyšlení 2020 / Christmas muse 2020

[pro překlady využijte translate.google.com / for translations use translate.google.com]

Zas se rok s rokem sešel a píšeme datum den/měsíc/2021 … nebo měsíc/rok/2021, jste-li v USA, případně úplně jiné datum, jste-li v některé ze zemí, kde neplatí “náš” kalendář. Ale co je to vlastně “náš”?

Well, if you are a linguist, you may now search the dictionaries to look for the perfect definition of the word “náš/our”, ask whether it is a noun, verb or proverb … and thus spend the rest of the day happily browsing the net, realizing at the end, you’ve forgotten, what was the question.

Taky můžete být lesníkem a přemýšlet, co bude s “našimi” (českými) lesy, ve kterých těžaři likvidují kůrovcovou kalamitu. Tvůrci map pro orientační běh budou mít co dělat s jejich aktualizací.

If you are a language teacher, your view will greatly depend on which country you come from. Coming from English or Spanish speaking countries, your earnings may be ensured till the rest of your life. Coming from Czech speaking country … well … yes, there are people learning our beutiful full-of-tricky-gramatical-rules language . I take off my hat in front of them, I wouldn’t want to learn my native language as a second one; but the world speaks English …

… a schopnost komunikovat alespoň jedním světovým jazykem by měla být všude součástí vzdělávání od raného věku, nejlépe od mateřské školky. Děti jsou totiž schopny více jazyků používat, aniž by potřebovaly znát množství gramatických pouček. Ne každému se však podaří vyrůstat ve vícejazyčném prostředí a systémové změny ve školství mohou trvat několik generací. Ani pro “naše” (české) učitele ruštiny nebylo jednoduché se “přeorientovat” na angličtinu po změně režimu v roce 1989.

The year 2020 was hard for a lot of people around the world. For some because of the vulnerabilities of their age, for some because of the profession (not everything can be done online), for some because of the money (some parents were unable to support their children in online learning).

Jsme na začátku roku nového a každý začátek v sobě skrývá i naději, že se nám – společně – něco podaří.

We just need the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. To the serenity prayer I’d only add the willingness for lifelong learning. Not everything we learned as children is meaningful when we grow up.

Můžete začít poslechem zajímavých ‘neurazitelných‘ přednášek.

Best wishes for the year 2021! / Přeji zdraví a spokojenost v roce 2021!

Thanks to native English speakers for accepting my not-so-gramatically-correct English. I’ve only learned to communicate at the age of 40 after we moved to the UK for a while. Thus grammar is not on the top of my priorities.